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The Iconic 62 WHEN Radio License Plate Bumper Sticker

Syracuse Radio - 62 WHEN - A retrospective

The Wonder Years 1970-1990 The People Who Made It Happen
  WHEN Alumni list + e-mail
1970's through 1990

My, oh...my...
What ever happened to all those nice people??

Is it Marge?  Or is it Wrinkles?

  Hmmm?  Is it Marge or is  it Wrinkles??  Ewwh...and where's that Bill Margaret? 

And 62WHEN's Beat Goes On
62 WHEN Syracuse, NY Our Featured Photo This Week - 62 WHEN.com pictures or pages you might not otherwise see

Come on in... and re-live the fun!

It's Tuesday, October 22, 2024

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